Friday, June 25, 2010

The Man with the Taser

A few weeks ago, the kids and I were at Ikea. (WooHoo for Ikea! I love that place. Seriously.) A couple of men from the bank were restocking the ATM. One man was doing the actual restocking of cash while the second man stood behind him with a Taser aimed and ready. I assume this was to deter us shoppers from attacking the man and it was a very good deterrent. Ethan immediately noticed that the man's "gun" seemed to be deformed and had lots of questions. After I explained that it wasn't really a gun but a taser and then explained what a taser was for and then explained why the man had a taser (that question came from Abbey), Ethan had just one more question. "Hey, Mama, if you taser someone, will they be dedicated?" To which I replied, "Probably not, but if that were the case, Mama could make a fortune selling it to pastors."


Kate said...

He was standing there with his taser aimed and ready??? ...

Tiffany Bracken: said...

Yes!! As in, he was pointing the Taser, bracing his "taser arm" with his other hand and had his finger on the button. If tasers have a safety switch, his was definitely off!