Hi there. I imagine that you have come here looking for something to read. And all you see are the same stories that have been here for a couple of years. Let me try to explain. I love to write and I seem to have an extra amount of things happen to me that are amusing. And for a time, my kids were little and cute and said the funniest things that I wanted to record and remember. But then they grew up. And they didn't want everything I found amusing to be shared on the internet. Well, they didn't care if I shared, they just cared if people read them. I can respect that even if I don't really like it. I tried to invoke a law about if you give birth to someone and spend years (Years!) awake with them at night, you get to share stories until you die. I was vetoed. And to be honest, it threw me into a writers slump.
But, I enjoy writing and I miss it. So, I'm going to start again. It's true. I am busy. But it is also true that you make time for the things you want to make time for. So for now, I'll be seeing you.
Our Christmas Date
17 hours ago
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