Newsletter of the Tom and Chris Bracken Families
March/April 2012
To all of our Friends, Family, and Supporters,
Good things are happening in Taiwan. Rejoice with us for the following report:
* A very blessed Turning Point 2012-Taiwan National Conference was held February 17-19. Pastor Don Hyler, of Atwater, California, was with us this year. What a blessing! We are thankful for his anointed preaching and for at least 17 receiving the Holy Ghost!
* Saturday, March 24th, marked the beginning of a new semester of Pentecostal Bible College with 25 students! It was an awesome day of teaching and learning!
* We are now in the last week of preparation before beginning the purchase of our building. We had an architect come and make a safety inspection of the facility and are awaiting his report. We are still short of the goal. Our hope is that some last minute offerings will come in for this over the next few days.
Thank you for your prayers and giving for this major undertaking. We are praying that all of the sacrifice by God's people will translate into many, many souls spending eternity in heaven!
Home of the Pentecostal Bible College of Taiwan and the Tainan Pentecostal Church
Pastor Collins, of Twin Falls, Idaho, handing me a building offering check for $50,000.00!
A former Taiwan Naval Captain, James Ho, who was just baptized-standing with wife, children, and pastor
Pastor Hyler Preaching during our National Conference
Pastor Chris Bracken teaching in the Bible School
Education Dynamics Asia | 6541 Paxton Road | Vicksburg | MS | 39180
I feel wonderful after getting news like this!
I just found out that Mom and Dad Bracken will be at our church (Burbank, CA) in June for our Missions Conference! Wishing your part of the clan was going to be here, too.
That's awesome to see revival all over the world reaching people that's Gods heart beat
50, 000 dollar check good Lord that's a lot of money
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