Hello to all you good people who read this blog. I do deeply apologize for the recent lapse in stories. I HAVEN'T been lazy, I promise. Here is the brief timeline:
5 weeks ago: My mother had a biopsy for breast cancer. Due to the mercy of God, we were traveling in AL and TN during this time, so I was with her for everything.
4 weeks ago: The report came back that she did indeed have breast cancer and more test were ordered to see if it had spread.
3 weeks ago: The cancer had not spread and the doctor told us that they could just remove the lump and some radiation treatments afterwards would solve the problem. God is faithful!
2 weeks ago: She went in for outpatient surgery and had the cancer removed. One lump node was removed and tested in the OR for cancer. It had not spread to her lump nodes. God is merciful!
Currently: She is still recovering from the surgery. Because of her MS, it is taking longer for her body to heal, but she is up and doing things, just still experiencing a lot of soreness. (I have tried to make her sit down, but it isn't working. If you do not believe me, you are welcome to come and try for yourself!) In the middle of all of this, we have been trying to finish up deputation, pack up the motor home and sell it! (Which, by the way, if you know someone who is looking for a motor home, we have just the one. It is 30 foot long, with one slide out, V-10 Ford engine and in great condition. It is appraised at $36,000, but we are wanting $30,000 for it. We might even take a little less!)
So, that is the update for the past month or so. Life is busy, but God is great. Sometimes, you think about circumstances and think you wouldn't be able to handle that happening. Then it does happen and God gives you such a calmness in the storm. I know I said it earlier, but God IS faithful!
Southern California Fires
1 month ago